Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in Duluth is great spot for public viewing

2022-10-09 12:14:36 By : Ms. Bobby Qian

DULUTH, Minn. - One-hundred people gathered in a loose assemblage Sept. 25 at the top of a grand overlook along the western edge of Lake Superior.

That is to say, they came independently but for the same reason.

And at 2:30 p.m., in a moment that couldn't have been choreographed better by a Broadway director, they all looked skyward.

The crowd at Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory in Duluth, Minnesota, bristled with excitement.

"Broad-wings!" said volunteer Eric Bruhnke. "Look at them kettling."

Heads were thrown back, binoculars and cameras were raised and visitors, volunteers and staff alike watched several dozen broad-winged hawks twirl on a thermal in the cobalt sky.

A minute later someone shouted "merlin!" and most of the group was able to spot the accipiter speeding west about eye-level.

It was quickly followed by the sighting to the north of a juvenile bald eagle, comparatively big, beefy and lumbering.

Elsewhere at Hawk Ridge birds were being banded and prepared for release. And on a roped-off platform, trained, dedicated observers were counting and recording every bird within eyeshot.

"Isn't this the best?" said Tania Womack, an avid birder from Mammoth Spring, Arkansas. "I really feel at home."

The birding action, camaraderie and science form the foundation for Hawk Ridge, one of the world's premier bird observation and banding sites.

The facility is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year. Special events were held Sept. 22-25.

The observatory is located on an elevated ridge along Lake Superior and part of the 365-acre Hawk Ridge Nature Reserve.

It's a perfect place to view migrating birds and draws thousands of visitors each fall, said Janelle Long, the observatory's executive director.

Although migrating birds can fly over water, they mostly prefer to pass over land.

So when wind or geography — or both — push the feathered travelers close to coasts, it often results in a spectacular, aerial abundance along the shore.

That makes the western corner of the world's largest lake among the most heavily travelled air space in the world for birds.

As they push down from Canada and northern Minnesota on their fall migration, millions of birds detect Lake Superior ahead and make a hard west turn and hug the shoreline to the twin ports of Duluth and Superior.

Once clear of all that blue water, they continue south as they choose, some to the Mississippi Flyway, others over less conspicuous routes.

The concentration of migrating birds along the Duluth ridges has been known for more than 100 years.

The spectacle has not always been treated with as much reverence as it is today.

Until about 1950, most of the people who gathered on the cliffs were gunners who shot the passing hawks and other raptors, Long said.

"They used them for target practice," Long said. "But thanks to the efforts of Prof. Hofslund and others, it got stopped."

Long was referring to Pershing "Jack" Hofslund, a professor at the University of Minnesota-Duluth. Hofslund started by putting signs on the cliff that read "Don't Shoot Hawks."

They were almost always torn down, Long said.

But Hofslund worked with the Duluth Bird Club (now the Duluth Audubon Society) to publicize the illegal activity and eventually the prohibition against shooting within the city limits was enforced.

The first hawk watch was organized at the site in 1951, according to Hawk Ridge literature. As the magnitude of the migration became apparent, observation increased from a few days in mid-September to daily counts from August through November.

In 1972, the Duluth Audubon Society, with a loan from the Minnesota Chapter of The Nature Conservancy, donated funds to the city of Duluth to purchase the highest part of the Ridge.

Under a trust agreement with the City, the Hawk Ridge Bird Observatory manages the 365 acres as a nature reserve, open to the public for study and enjoyment.

The first systematic count from the main overlook began in 1972, also the year the banding research station opened. 

It's now one of the nation's largest bird banding sites, Long said.

About 3,000 birds are caught, banded and released at Hawk Ridge each fall. The staff keeps data for studies on raptor distribution, movement patterns and dispersal, plumage variation and life span.

Additional projects include genetics, contamination such as mercury, telemetry work with various species including golden eagles and turkey vultures, and parasite loads.

All of the observatory's programs are now led by Long, a native of Greenfield, Wisconsin, whose parents taught her a love of nature generally and birds in particular.

She went on to earn a bachelor's degree in wildlife management and biology from UW-Stevens Point and a masters in environmental education at University of Minnesota-Duluth. She has worked at the facility in some capacity since 2007.

As with everything in nature, there is a rhythm to bird migration.

Songbirds and owls move mostly at night, hawks and other raptors during the day.

And within groups, species show marked differences for typical departure dates.

Yellow-rumped warblers and golden-crowned kinglets, for example, are among the hardiest songbirds and latest to migrate, often seen in Minnesota and Wisconsin in late September and October.

Late September is also prime time for one of the most spectacular raptor movements: broad-winged hawks.

The species, which nests in the forests of Canada and the U.S., often migrates south in large, swirling groups called "kettles."

Several times in the afternoon of Sept. 25 such assemblages of broad-wings, each numbering in the hundreds of birds, thrilled onlookers at Hawk Ridge.

The species tops the list of raptors observed at the site. This season 39,420 broad-wings have been recorded at Hawk Ridge, including an astounding 12,020 on Sept. 22 alone. 

The second-most seen bird of prey is the sharp-shinned hawk; 10,992 have been observed so far this season.

Other commonly sighted species include Cooper's hawks, peregrine falcons, red-tailed hawks, American kestrels and turkey vultures.

Late in the afternoon on Sept. 25 staff members brought out a kestrel and a sharp-shinned hawk for release. Twenty visitors gathered to see the just-banded birds fly free.

"That's just beautiful, just the way it should be," said Gail Marsman of Duluth, a Hawk Ridge volunteer for 49 years, as the birds flapped off into a gathering breeze. "See you (birds) next year!"

Long has a mantra to describe Hawk Ridge: the birds, the people, the place.

"We have all these species of birds, people from all over the world, sharing in the excitement of birding and education at this unique site along Lake Superior," Long said. "I'm really grateful for this opportunity to work with our staff and volunteers to shine a light on all those elements here."